сряда, 9 декември 2020 г.


 Когато пътят криволичи 

Когато пътят криволичи
по лицата всичко си личи
Когато пътят криволичи
нищо вече не е същото
Когато пътят криволичи
настъпваш лайна - птичи
А ти , липсваш ми

сряда, 15 април 2020 г.


You used to be my morning and my night
my most pleasant delight
Oh why can’t I let you go tonight
You are my morning and my night
my most pleasant delight
I can’t let you go this time
You’re staying in my mind ...


A familiar feeling

A familiar feeling
You knocked at my door
I think , no I know I’ve felt that before
It’s a familiar feeling
I’ve definitely felt it before

вторник, 24 март 2020 г.


Water lilies

A lake full of water lilies
and the sky blue eyes
of horse fillies
grazing nearby
Water lilies
and mating fireflies
Am I silly
to write about this
because you said I should try

неделя, 23 февруари 2020 г.


Липсваш ми

Липсват ми твоите думи , твоите мисли
Липсва ми дъхът ти , ароматът ти
Липсват ми очите ти чисти
Липсваш ми, любими мой,
Липсваш ми

неделя, 19 януари 2020 г.



I wanna stay with you forever
I want us to stay together
You’re here in my open arms
You’re here by my side
I wanna stay with you forever
I want us to stay together
I’m yours
and you’re mine
But here comes a change of tide
I wanna stay with you forever

неделя, 12 януари 2020 г.


I wanna lay in your arms all day darling
but then I’ll get nothing done
and the day will be gone
and I’ve got places to be
and I’ve got people to see